The Helpful Host

Christina Leigh Events

wedding planner, event designer, professional celebrator, safer beauty advocate, mentor and mother

meet christina

Meet Me Monday: The Proposal

  1. Katie O'Keefe says:

    What a cute story and I love the ring! My brother bought my sister-in-law’s ring at Bailey, Banks and Biddle – it is really the best place to shop for rings in Houston.

  2. christina leigh says:

    Thank you, Katie! I love the ring too. 🙂 I’ve been in to Bailey Banks & Biddle and they are wonderful!
    xo Christina

  3. Jessika says:

    “…he even stalked my Pintrest…” = keeper!

  4. sbpipkin says:

    Eeee!! So happy for y’all! Blair has amazing taste in both jewelry and his Bride!!

  5. Great story!! In this business you definitely need a man that is a great support! 🙂

  6. Congratulations Christina! What a sweet story! And a beautiful ring to top it all off!

    • christina leigh says:

      Thank you, Phyllis! He is very sweet and I love my ring! I’ve been looking at LuxeFinds for inspiration! 🙂
      xo Christina

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