Talk about the most amazing weekend! It was such a joy to be surrounded by friends, family and the most talented creatives I know to shower sweet baby Frederick. While I have so much to say, and so many to thank, for our Houston shower that is coming in a later post.
Today, I wanted to share an update for everyone not in Houston on little (or not so little) baby Frederick!
It’s hard to believe I will be 30 weeks tomorrow! Our sweet baby remains in the top 95% of the height and weight scales and because I have had a little extra amniotic fluid we have been blessed with more ultrasounds than usual to see our sweet babe! Each time everything looks perfect! My favorite line from our ultrasound technician may have been, “baby is definitely big, not huge, but definitely big.” He’s been checking up on babies for over 35 years and is the sweetest man and always so kind to try and snap a picture of a sweet little face… no such luck. Baby likes to have it’s hand on it’s face or turn and leave us nothing but a shoulder and back image.
I’ll have to be honest that it’s been fun keeping sweet baby to Blair and myself. We didn’t tell the world about our precious miracle until a little after 17 weeks and the honest truth is we have known the gender of sweet baby since week 10. You may remember our announcement photos by Courtney Brown of Courtney Leigh Photography, but what you may not have known that the same day we actually took gender reveal photos. 🙂 It’s funny to look back on my almost non-existant bump!
In a world of social media and so many things assumed as public knowledge, it’s been sweet to hold our sweet baby so close to our hearts as our little secret going in to this thing called parenting, but Blair and I both know there is a time and a place for everything. So here you go…
Baby Frederick is a boy!

Do you all have any idea how hard it is to hold big, letter balloons still and forward facing? Our sweet baby will most definitely not have “ONE” letter balloons at his first birthday… or maybe any birthday after the laughs we got out of taking these photos on film!
This weekend we knew that we would have all of the closest people to our hearts in the same place and it was such a joy to share our precious secret with them face to face!

For months I have had nearly everyone guess that baby is a girl, with only a handful of guesses as a boy. Now that I am “all baby” as Blair says everyone is switching their vote to align with the fact that I am all belly and carrying “more like a boy.” I’m not sure if there is any truth to all of those myths and old wives tales, but I will tell you the myth that you’re only really sick when carrying a girls is most definitely not true!
The one truth that I will hold to is that the CL Mascots still don’t know what is coming and are growing ever so suspicious about the increased time Blair and I are spending in the nursery and why they can’t play with the new toys.

Courtney Leigh Photography
Thank you to all of you who have spoiled sweet baby, loved on Blair and I and have sent prayers of love and wisdom to cover our next chapter as parents. We are living proof that it takes a village and your prayers and gifts from a far mean more than you know!